A powerhouse vocalist, you'd be surprised to find out this star is only 17 years old. Ainsley Costello is switching gears to go down a pop-rock road; a small detour from the country and Americana genres she has been in. From performing in venues across Seattle and now Nashville, she is no stranger to the limelight. She has even been involved with both American Idol and The Voice.
"Little Sister" is about the feeling of living in the shadow of her sister and trying to find her own identity. Just because you look up to someone, does not mean that you can't be your own person. An upbeat and relatable song that speaks to all little sisters. I can picture young girls singing this into hairbrushes as they jump around their room.
Her songwriting credits are that of an older performer. She has over 100 songs yet to be released. This is not going to be the last the world will hear from Ainsley. Big things are coming from this singer.